Last Updated:
08/21/2018 |
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Child Left Behind from the U.S. Department of Education -
click here.
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YES! - click here.
Education Commission of the
States No Child Left Behind State side-by-side Comparison - To see progress on
the states of your choice, visit
http://nclb.ecs.org/nclb/ then click on "State Comparisons" on the left-hand
Department of Education's NCLB
workbook - click here (PDF;
& Resources |
Parents Desire Better Tools, Information
to Help High School Students Succeed, Report Finds - Parents with
students in low-performing high schools say their schools don't give them the
tools and information they need to be more effective in helping their students
succeed, a new report from Civic Enterprises finds.
Schools Reclassify
Students, Pass Test Under Federal Law - Will C. Wood Middle School faced
a vexing situation when last year's test results came out in August. Most
students had met the mark set by No Child Left Behind. But African American
students' math scores fell far short of it, bringing the school into failing
status in the eyes of the federal law. One hundred students were categorized as
black when they took the test last spring. But if the school had fewer than 100
students in that group, their low scores wouldn't count. So Principal Jim Wong
reviewed the files of all the students classified as African American on the
test, he said, and found that four of them had indicated no race or mixed race
on their enrollment paperwork. Wong sent his staff to talk to the four families
to ask permission to put the kids in a different racial group.
Dismantling Failing Schools Right Way to Stem Dropouts - The
devastating news that three-quarters of students who enter freshmen classes
in Detroit Public Schools aren't around on graduation day would be even more
horrific had it fallen on deaf ears, as have past reports on the performance
of Detroit schools. But new school Superintendent Connie Calloway got out in
front of the report from America's Promise Alliance with a surprise
announcement that the district will dismantle five of the city's worst
performing schools and replace them with smaller, innovative programs.
here to view more articles related to the No Child Left Behind Act of 2002«
Over 175 additional articles on NCLBA in this section - new articles added frequently!
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Parental Rights & Involvement |
Beyond the Bake Sale: The Essential Guide to
Family-School Partnerships - This
innovative guide reveals how to build strong collaborative relationships and
offers practical advice for improving interactions between parents and
teachers, from insuring that PTA groups are constructive and inclusive to
navigating the complex issues surrounding diversity in the classroom.
National Coalition for
Parent Involvement in Education (NCPIE) - NCPIE was founded in 1980,
at the initiative of what was then the National School Volunteer Program
(now National Association for Partners in Education), with funding from the
Ford Foundation and Union Carbide. At NCPIE, our mission is simple: to
advocate the involvement of parents and families in their children's
education, and to foster relationships between home, school, and community
to enhance the education of all our nation's young people.
Featured Website:
Give Kids Good Schools - Parents often want
to do more to ensure that their child is getting the best education
possible, but this can seem like an overwhelming task. This excellent list
of resources and ideas is a good place to start.
The Parent, Family,
and Community Involvement Guide (PDF) from the Massachusetts
Department of Education
School-Parent-Community Partnerships Resource Book
(PDF) from the Indiana Department of Education
10 Ways That Parents Can Be Involved at Home
(PDF) from the Indiana Department of Education
Best Practice
Brief: Parent Involvement in schools
(PDF) - This Brief is one of two developed on
behalf of those schools facing the necessity to improve student performance
scores. It summarizes information about the impact that parent involvement
can have and the multiple ways in which parents can be involved with
schools. The material is organized with bullets and checklists to facilitate
its use by school personnel.
School Success Tool-Kit: Tools to Help
You Get Involved in Your Child's Education
(PDF) from SchoolSuccessInfo.org
Parents' Involvement Not
Key to Student Progress, Study Finds - A
new study examining why similar California schools vary widely in student
achievement produced some surprising results: Involved parents and
well-behaved youngsters do not appear to have a major effect on how well
elementary students perform on standardized tests.
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Info on the "No Child Left Behind"
from "Monday Morning in Washington, D.C."
published by Jackie Golden of The Inclusion Research Institute of
Washington, DC
On January 8, 2002, President Bush signed into law
the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. The Act, which embodies his
education reform plan sent to Congress on January 23, 2001, is the
most sweeping reform of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act
(ESEA) since ESEA was enacted in 1965. It redefines the federal role
in K-12 education and will help close the achievement gap between
disadvantaged and minority students and their peers. It is based on
four basic principles: stronger accountability for results,
increased flexibility and local control, expanded options for
parents, and an emphasis on teaching methods that have been proven
to work. Visit their Website at
www.ed.gov/nclb/. The new "No Child Left Behind" Website
offers: * An executive summary of the Act * A preliminary overview
of programs & changes * The text of the Act * The conference
committee report * What the Act means for your state.
No Child Left Behind Website
No State Left Behind: The Challenges and Opportunities
of ESEA 2001 by ECS which highlights where many states are in
relationship to some of the major requirements
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Adequate Yearly Progress |
New Rules Give
Credit to Underachieving Students for Making Progress
- More Pennsylvania schools this year are likely to make adequate
yearly progress on state tests because the federal government has approved a
measure that considers student growth, not just whether students are
Grad Rates Likely To Drop With New
Formula - Look for Michigan's overall high school graduation numbers
to drop as the state prepares to release its data next week based on a new
formula agreed upon by the National Governors Association (NGA).
Click here for more information on high stakes testing.
Meeting the Spirit of AYP Through School Reform: Cohesion, Coordination, and
Alignment Lead to Student Achievement - This FOCUS on Results document
offers information on why cohesion, coordination, and alignment of critical
subsystems are essential for student achievement. This article looks at how
the five subsystems work together to support student learning within and
across programs through the process of educational change, systemic reform,
and re-culturing.
Feds Shoot Down MDE Changes -
The U.S. Department of Education (USDOE) has rejected portions of the
Michigan Department of Education's (MDE) Annual Yearly Progress (AYP) plans to
meet the federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) requirements. As a result, the
AYP school report cards will be delayed, more schools will fail to meet the
AYP and the MDE is likely to be assessed financial penalties up to $200,000
for 2007.
States Test Limits of Federal
AYP Flexibility - This report finds that states are continuing to find
new ways to calculate adequate yearly progress (AYP) under the No Child Left
Behind Act in order to raise the number of schools and districts that meet the
law’s student achievement targets. The report acknowledges that many of the
changes are necessary adjustments made in response to states’ difficulties in
administering the law, but calls on states and the U.S. Department of
Education to be more transparent about the approaches used to calculate AYP. |
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Teacher Qualifications |
Achieving "High Quality" in the Selection, Preparation and Retention of Teachers
- Although the typical age of college graduates has risen from age 22 to age
26, it is still generally true that most of those preparing to teach are college
age youth, that is, late adolescents and young adults. Approximately 80% of
those preparing to teach are youngsters below age 26 and approximately 20% are
older "non-traditional" post baccalaureate students or adults in alternative
certification or on-the job training programs.
No States Meet Teacher-quality Goal Set in Federal Law -
Not a single state will have a ''highly" qualified teacher in every
core class this school year as promised by President Bush's education law. Nine
states, along with the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, face penalties.
Check your child's
Michigan Teacher Certification Status
Bill Summary:
Ready to Teach Act - Congressional
Republicans are targeting the nation's teaching colleges with the first in what
will be a series of bills to reauthorize the Higher Education Act (HEA). The
Ready to Teach Act seeks to ensure that teacher training programs are producing
well-prepared teachers to meet the needs of America's students.
Read the article "California
Definitions of Qualified Teachers Rejected by Ed. Dept."
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Tutoring |
No Child Left Behind:
Supplemental Educational Services Non-Regulatory Guidance - The U.S.
Department of Education has issued guidance to further clarify the roles of
states and districts in implementing supplemental educational services under the
No Child Left Behind Act. The document, ³Supplemental Educational Services
Non-Regulatory Guidance,² features ideas for connecting parents to supplemental
education services providers, who offer free tutoring and other academic
enrichment activities to qualified students whose schools aren¹t meeting their
yearly progress goals. The guidance was last updated in 2003, and since then the
Department has made several important policy decisions to address concerns from
states, school districts, parents, and academic service providers.
Schools' Tutor Program Must Change, U.S. Says -
The Philadelphia School District must make changes to its after-school
program by September to continue as an approved tutoring provider under the No
Child Left Behind law, the U.S. Department of Education
has ruled.
SES Ruling Leaves
Thousands Behind - A recent decision by the
U.S. Department of Education (ED) gives a huge lift to private companies that
supply after-school tutoring and other supplemental education services (SES) for
the nation's schools--but it also could result in a disruption or loss of
service for tens of thousands of students in the Chicago Public Schools (CPS)
and other districts of similar status.
services for students in failing schools: Helping eligible students in public
schools “in need of improvement” receive the free, high-quality tutoring
services they need. Visit
http://www.tutorsforkids.org/ for more details.
States Suffer Halting
Start On Tutoring - At least five
states have been operating under the impression—mistaken, according to
the Department of Education—that none of their public schools must
meet a key requirement in the new federal education law this school
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Supplemental Services |
Is My Child Eligible For
Supplemental Educational Services? - Children in schools receiving Title
I funds that have not made adequate yearly progress for three years are entitled
to supplemental educational services (SES)—free tutoring and other extra
academic help outside of the regular school day. Also included, information on
the Supplemental Educational Services Tool Kit.
Online Math Tutoring is Soon to be a Possibility - The offices of Educomp
Datamatics in Delhi looks like any other Indian call center, apart from one
crucial fact: Its staff are math tutors offering support to students in the U.S.
Because of the Bush Administration's 2002 No Child Left Behind Act, if schools
do not improve their pass percentages, they lose state funding. This has led
some schools to turn to American tuition companies for help. Known as
Supplemental Education Service providers, some of the larger ones such as
Tutors.com, Smart Thinking and eSylvan, can charge up to US$40 an hour. Educomp
Datamatics in India, on the other hand, charges only US$20-25 an hour.
Brochure Available To Help Inform Parents About Free Tutoring Under NCLB
(PDF) - Thanks to No Child Left Behind, parents are
receiving more options than ever before to help their children succeed in
school. Under NCLB, low-income students in schools that do not meet state
standards in reading and math for three consecutive years are eligible to
receive supplemental educational services such as free tutoring.
Teachers' Unions Seize Opportunity to Provide Supplemental Services
- The Rochester Teachers Association in New York and the Toledo
Federation of Teachers in Ohio have both become approved supplemental-service
providers in their states and are working with their districts to tutor children
from low-income families and those who are struggling academically. [Free
login/registration required.]
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