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Supplemental Educational Services

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Supplemental Educational Services

The Achiever, September 30, 2005

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Is my child eligible for supplemental educational services?


SES: supplemental educational services: additional academic instruction provided free-of-charge to students from low-income families in Title I schools that have not met state targets for increasing student achievement for three years.


Children in schools receiving Title I funds that have not made adequate yearly progress for three years are entitled to supplemental educational services (SES)—free tutoring and other extra academic help outside of the regular school day. The No Child Left Behind Act requires that school districts offer SES opportunities to students from low-income families who remain in Title I schools that have been identified as "in need of improvement."


Parents of eligible children should receive annual notices about the availability of services. School districts must provide a state-approved list of SES providers, which may include public and private schools as well as community and faith-based organizations, from which parents can make a selection. Once a decision has been made, parents meet with the provider and district staff to discuss specific goals for the child, set up a schedule for services, and decide how the child's progress will be measured. SES providers must give both the parents and the school information on the child's advancement.


For details about local SES opportunities, contact your local school district or state department of education. For information about federal guidelines, call the U.S. Department of Education toll-free at (800) USA-LEARN.


Supplemental Educational Services Tool Kit

The Supplemental Educational Services (SES) Quality Center recently published a free tool kit for parents and community leaders to inform them of the opportunities for getting extra academic help for children.

Under No Child Left Behind, children from low-income families in Title I schools that have not made adequate yearly progress for three years may sign up for supplemental educational services. The SES in Action tool kit provides strategies, tips and tools for finding free tutoring services for eligible children. Items in the kit include:

  • A chart outlining the roles of states, school districts and providers in the SES process;

  • A worksheet illustrating the necessary steps to register a child for tutoring services;

  • A "to-do list" for tracking details about local SES opportunities;

  • A worksheet for choosing a quality SES provider, with suggested survey questions;

  • A fact sheet that addresses such issues as transportation, the timeline of services, qualifications of providers, and services available to students with disabilities;

  • Templates to use as promotional materials along with samples of public service announcements and press releases for informing families and community members about SES; and

  • A full-color poster and brochure from the Education Department to distribute as outreach materials.

The SES in Action tool kit is available online at or by calling toll-free (866) 544-8686, while supplies last.


The Supplemental Educational Services Quality Center was established through a grant to the American Institutes for Research from the U.S. Department of Education.    


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