
Support Groups

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Support from others




General Resources

Groups in this category provide information on many disabilities or issues.


Online Support Groups for Kids and Teens

Groups specifically geared toward older children and teenagers.


Disability, Disorder or Disease-specific Support Group Information

 Check out our disability, disorder or disease-specific topics for information on a particular topic.


Starting a New Self-Help or Support Group
While there is no one recipe for starting a group in your community (different national groups rely on different models), we have listed a few ideas you may find helpful.

View our list of topics on the left or scroll down the page to view all topics and listings.


8 General Resources


American Self-Help Group Clearinghouse - Contains information on starting self-help groups, statewide training workshops, online newsletter, and contact information for over 170 local mental health groups (including anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, eating disorders, families of the mentally ill, dual diagnosis, and more). If you frequently refer people to such support groups and would like a hard copy of their database, they recently published the 7th Edition of their Self-Help Group Sourcebook, which contains their database, how-to's, research reviews, over 300 additional national to--free help lines. The 448-page guide costs $18 postpaid, and may be ordered by phone with a credit card, or by check to: Am. Self-Help Group Clearinghouse, Attn: Sourcebook, 100 E. Hanover Ave., Rm 202, Cedar Knolls, NJ 07927-2020.


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8 Online Support Groups for Kids and Teens


ActivTeen - Visit this chat room to socialize and meet other teens with disabilities from all over the world. In addition, you can visit a private chat room for Active Teen staff and for those interested in attending or starting support or information-sharing groups. Also, check out their cyber pen pals board.


National Federation of the Blind - Slate Pals is a pen pal program for blind Braille reading students who want to write Braille letters to other students.


Children with Diabetes - Meet other kids with diabetes from all around the world. You can make some great e-pals.


Do-It Pals - Are you interested in a career in science, engineering, mathematics, or technology? Get tips from college students and adults with disabilities. Find a mentor to help you pursue your dreams. (Sponsored by the University of Washington.)


International Dyslexia Association Teens Web Site - Connect with other teens who know what it's like to have dyslexia.


We the Siblings - This site helps brothers and sisters of kids who have autism to meet each other.


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8 Disability, Disorder or Disease-specific Support Group Information


Check out our disability, disorder or disease-specific topics for information on a particular topic - click here to view our list of topics.


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