The Ethel Louise Armstrong
Foundation, Inc. (ELA) is pleased to announce
that the 2003 ELA Scholarship
application is now available in the
scholarship section of the ELA website.
The ELA Scholarship provides
financial assistance to women with physical
disabilities who are enrolled in a
college or university graduate program
in the United States. ELA
Scholarship awards are based on merit and
are given in an objective and
nondiscriminatory basis. Each applicant is required to
submit an application packet
including an application form, a college
transcript, two letters of academic recommendation, a
medical verification form and
an essay outlining how they will ³Change the Face of
Disability on
the Planet." Scholarships
range from $1,000 to $2,000 per year. The
application deadline is June 1st, 2003.
The vision of the Ethel Louise
Armstrong (ELA) Foundation, Inc. is to
"Change the Face of Disability on the
Planet". Our mission is to promote,
through grants and scholarships, the inclusion of
people with disabilities in the
areas of arts, advocacy and education. The ELA Scholarship is
designed for women with physical
disabilities who join with us to pursue
this vision.
For more
information contact:
Deborah B. Lewis
Executive Director
Ethel Louise Armstrong Foundation
2460 North Lake Ave.
PMB #128
Altadena, CA 91001
(626)398-8840 voice
(626)398-8843 fax