Spectrum Disorders and Choosing College Courses
Julie Coulter, August 25, 2005
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We just took our
son, Drew, who has Asperger Syndrome, back to college for his
senior year. Time has really flown. It's hard to believe he'll
graduate next spring. Preparing to take him back to school this
year was easier than getting him ready to go his freshman year.
Are you helping a student with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
prepare for his or her freshman year of college? Most of us
spend a lot of time assembling books and notebooks, gathering
dorm room furnishings and preparing transportation plans. We
also need to spend some time preparing our students to choose a
major course of study and making sure that they understand how
to select classes, register for courses, and track course
Your student will need to develop a long-term plan for each
year of college and schedule each required course for his or her
chosen field of study. Some students may choose to take a
lighter course load and graduate in five years instead of four.
Faculty advisors can help students develop a long term plan --
and continually review and adjust it to fit their needs. If a
student decides to change her major or field of study, then the
plan will have to change to accommodate the new courses. During
his sophomore year, Drew considered changing his major to
forensic science. He discovered that his college was in the
process of adding the forensic science major and would not have
all the courses available in time for Drew to complete them and
graduate in four years as he had planned.
Some students may know exactly where they want to work after
college. For those who need direction, both high school and
college counselors can help students evaluate various careers.
When Drew decided to change his major during his junior year,
his school's career services counselor agreed to meet with Drew
once a week and helped him take the "Discovery" on-line career
aptitude test. The counselor also helped Drew look at several
career and "course of study" options. She pointed out his
writing strengths, which helped him decide to concentrate on
technical writing.
If your student is considering a career that will require
graduate studies, look at the entrance requirements for those
programs. Among other career paths, Drew considered library
science. He learned that this path required graduate work and
that he would need a B+ average in his undergraduate work to
apply for the library science graduate program at a university
close to us.
The book, "Developing Talents: Careers for Individuals with
Asperger Syndrome and High Functioning Autism" by Temple Grandin
and Kate Duffy -- published by the Autism Asperger Publishing
Company -- is a great resource for students who are evaluating
different careers and fields of study.
Some students with ASDs may be reluctant to ask for help.
Some may need help understanding their responsibility in
selecting courses. You can help your student by going over the
college or university course catalog together and talking
through the course selection process. Every college or
university has its own method of class registration. Some
colleges provide "peer advisors" (third year college students
who advise freshman students) as well as faculty advisors. I
encourage parents to stay in close communication during the
first few weeks as students begin classes. Students need to
understand their school's policy for dropping or adding a
course. Encourage your student to ask for help during the first
few days of classes if he needs to make a change. You may have
to find out by trial and error how much help to provide and when
you risk stepping over the line to become a hovering "helicopter
parent." Your goal is to help your student take responsibility
for getting the right courses so he can become increasingly
independent and successful in college.
Students with a disability need to decide whether to
disclose that disability to professors. Each college or
university will have a process for students to inform professors
if they require special accommodations. The Office of Disability
Services at Drew's college provides a written guide for all
professors with information about each type of disability
represented within the student body. Drew is responsible for
taking a copy of his class schedule to the Office of Disability
Services, which then generates a letter about Drew and his
special needs that is addressed to each of his professors. Drew
is responsible for delivering the completed letters. Some
students may feel comfortable meeting with their professors to
discuss the letter. Others may prefer to simply deliver the
letter. This process requires the students to actively
participate in the process and encourages them to advocate for
Students who have a part-time job will also learn the basics
of the work world: being on time, learning a work process and
interacting with co-workers. Students with autism spectrum
disorders can benefit from working part-time while they're in
college -- as long as the job doesn't create too much pressure
and or take up too much study time. For the first time this
year, Drew will have a work-study job on campus. He hopes to
land a job in the library -- his favorite place!
Learning to manage college studies, self-care, social
engagements and volunteer activities is a big job. I learned
from a professional at a conference about a good planning tool
-- a combination of a "To Do" list and a calendar called the
PlannerPad. Whatever planning tools
he uses, encourage your student to take time every day to plan
his activities and record his completed tasks.
We talked to Drew tonight on the phone and he's excited about
his new classes and has plans to meet his friends to play
"Dungeons and Dragons" this weekend. I miss having him around to
help out with our business, to grocery shop and to mow the lawn.
Most of all, I miss how much fun it is to have Drew around.
I'm compensated by the knowledge that Drew is completing his
senior year of college. I'm an unabashedly proud mom!
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Julie Coulter is the writer of "The College
Prep Portfolio," which helps students prepare throughout high
school to apply for college. You can find more articles on her
website at:
Copyright 2005 Julie Coulter
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