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Landmark College Gets Grant to Help Disabled
Associated Press, October 21, 2005
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Landmark College, which focuses on students with learning disabilities, has received a $1 million grant to develop a curriculum for those students that can be used at colleges around the country.

The U.S. Department of Education grant will enable Landmark to join with five community colleges across the country, including the Community College of Vermont, to work on the three-year project.

"It's really exciting for a small college in Vermont to share with other institutions across the country what we have learned over the last 20 years," said Brent Betit, the college's executive vice president.

Landmark opened 20 years ago on what had been the campus of Windham College, which closed due to financial problems in 1978. Its programs are designed for students who have disabilities such as dyslexia and attention deficit hyperactive disorder.

The number of college students nationwide with such disabilities is growing, Betit said, adding that some need extra help with study and time management skills.

"In many ways we are still learning what works and what doesn't," Betit said. "These types of learning disabilities have only been recognized by the education system in the last 30 years."

Dr. Steve Fadden, associate director of the college's Institute for Research and Training, will conduct research on the project. Another member of the Landmark staff, Eric Adams, will serve as co-investigator and project manager.

Betit said the study likely would lead to creation of an online curriculum for use by community colleges.

Landmark President Lynda Katz said the project "promises to have a significant impact on the capabilities and capacity of community colleges around the nation to more effectively serve students with learning disabilities."


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