Making Adequate Yearly Progress Linked to Lead Poisoning
This map (click
here for pdf map) overlays 2001-02 Adequate Yearly Progress
(AYP) status over elementary school attendance area in the city
of Grand Rapids. The map then plots elevated blood lead level
cases that are greater than or equal to 10 ug/dL in 2000 by
elementary attendance area. Statistical analysis of these data
(a F Test) indicated that schools having more children with lead
poisoning greater than 10 ug/dL is significantly related to not
achieving AYP status.
Mapping by Dr. Lyke Thompson and
Valerie Monet 9/2/03
For more articles like this
To: Deb
From: Dr. Lyke Thompson, Valerie Monet
Date: 9/2/2003
Re: 2001-2002 Grand Rapids, MI Elevated Blood Lead Levels
The attached map overlays 2001-02
Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) status over elementary school
attendance area in the city of Grand Rapids. In Michigan, AYP is
based largely on student performance on MEAP tests and focuses
on the English/language arts and Mathematics areas. In order to
earn AYP status, a certain percentage of students must achieve a
"proficient" grade on each test. This percentage is known as the
Annual State Objective. Other factors go into the composition of
AYP as well. At least 95% of students at a school must
participate in the MEAP test to make AYP and elementary and
middle schools must meet certain attendance criteria. Graduation
rates are also used to determine whether a school makes AYP. In
terms of this map, AYP status defines those areas without issues
in '01-'02, areas where '01- '02 was the first year AYP was not
achieved, areas that continued not to achieve AYP in '01-'02,
and areas under corrective action.
The map then plots elevated blood lead level cases that are
greater than or equal to 10 ug/dL in 2000 by elementary
attendance area. Statistical analysis of these data (a F Test)
indicated that schools having more children with lead poisoning
greater than 10 ug/dL is significantly related to not achieving
AYP status. The correlation coefficient (Eta) that is associated
with this test indicates a moderate tendency for schools with
less than satisfactory progress to be ones where there are more
children with lead poisoning.
Click here to view the map (PDF
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