Program - Michigan's voluntary boot-camp style program for
dropouts and at-risk youth - spared in budget
article from MIRS, June 25, 2003; resources added by
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The Challenge Program, a voluntary boot camp-style program for
high school dropouts, was spared under a House-Senate agreement
reached today on the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs
(MVA) budget.
The conference committee on the MVA budget (SB 266) agreed to
fund the $1.34 million Challenge Program out the General Fund.
The House previously had agreed with the governor's
recommendation that the program should be eliminated unless a
private donor agreed to pick up the tab. [You can find
information on the Challenge Program below.] The shift bumped up
the MVA's General Fund budget to $37.9 million, exactly $1.34
million more than the Governor's $36.6 million General Fund
recommendation. As expected, the grants for the Grand Rapids
Veterans Home and Jacobetti Veterans Home were kept at the
governor's levels.
The $37.9 million General Fund allocation the committee agreed
to meets the $37.9 million target that has been set by the
Senate and House.
Learn more
about SB 266
Information About the Michigan Youth ChalleNge Academy
MYC Academy - Michigan Youth ChalleNGe Academy
Attn: Admissions & Graduate Affairs Office
5500 Armstrong Drive, Bldg. 13
Battle Creek, MI 49016-1099
The MYC Academy is a 17.5-month, three phase program. Cadets
start with a two week Pre-Challenge phase at Fort Custer in
Augusta, Michigan. Then, for 20 weeks they live, work, and study
on-site with other 16-18 year old cadets. In that 20 weeks, they
will receive 400 hours of classroom instruction to prepare them
for the G.E.D. exam. After completion of the 22-week resident
phases, cadets graduate and continue their personal growth with
an adult mentor, who will provide each graduate with assistance
for the next 12 months in their own community. There is NO COST
to the cadet or his/her family for participation in this
program. There is NO MILITARY OBLIGATION for participation.
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