Book, DVD, Software, CD & Video Reviews |
Choose an option to
Autism & Asperger Syndrome: For those living or working with children diagnosed with
Autism or Asperger's
Syndrome, Coulter Video offers several videos that relate in
easy-to-understand terms and in a friendly format.
Their newest releases are geared toward siblings.
Featured Book:
I Before E (Except After C); Old-School Ways to Remember Stuff -
Hundreds of Memory Tricks You Learned in the Classroom! "Thirty days
hath September..." How many times have your relied on that old maxim to
figure out a calendar? Or how about "Every Good Boy Does Fine" to remember
the notes on the treble clef? These ingenious, practical memory techniques
abound in I BEFORE E (EXCEPT AFTER C) with its hundreds of curious sayings.
In this clever -- and often hilarious -- collection, you'll find engaging
mnemonics, arranged in easy-to-find categories.
Featured Book:
Know It All: The Little Book of Essential Knowledge - Wish you
were that person who could answer any question? Can’t find just the right
thing to say to start a conversation at a cocktail party? This book offers
hours of fact-finding pleasure with a huge collection of intriguing and
useful facts, plus quizzes to improve your knowledge. You can gain valuable
information about a myriad of subjects—with just a page or two devoted to
each topic—presented in clear, easy-to-understand language. And, best of
all, you will be on your way to becoming a Know It All!
The Art of Learning - Josh
Waitzkin knows the road to excellence. Catapulted into a media
whirlwind as a child, the subject of the book and movie Searching
for Bobby Fischer, he has mastered both the rigorous mental game of
chess -- winning his first National Championship at the age of nine
-- and the strenuous physical challenge of martial arts, becoming a
master of Tai Chi Chuan and earning the title of World Champion. His
phenomenal success is due to the learning techniques he developed to
bring both his mind and body to peak performance. In a riveting
narrative that takes readers on his journey of discovery, conquering
the high-pressure challenges of intensely competitive chess
face-offs and heart-stopping martial arts wars, he reveals the inner
workings of his methods, from systematically triggering intuitive
breakthroughs to mastering the art of performance psychology. The
Art of Learning is essential reading for those who want to reach the
highest levels of achievement.
Spotlight Book:
On Becoming Fearless: Love, Work, and Life by Arianna Huffington
It's hard to believe that Arianna Huffington ---
bestselling author, Internet entrepreneur, journalist, and mother ---
is not fearless by nature. But as she reveals in her new book, she has
learned to overcome the fears that have at every step threatened to
impede not only her professional success but also her personal
wellbeing. Smart, candid, and inspiring, this book is, as Arianna
says, "a road map for achieving fearlessness in every aspect of our
lives, a straight-to-the-point manifesto on how to be fearless." Available now at
Book Spotlight
My Brother Has
My Brother Has Autism, 8 year-old Melody describes experiences with
her brother Michael who has autism. When
we read Melody's book, we were surprised to learn how she views her
brother. We were also surprised to learn that Michael, a talented
artist, illustrated the book. My Brother
Has Autism is useful to therapists, teachers, parents, and others
who work with siblings of children with autism. As children read and
discuss this book, they recognize things they have in common with
their sibling - and discover positive qualities about their brothers
and sisters with autism. My Brother Has Autism has been published as
a paperback book and as an electronic book." -
Review by Wrightslaw
Alpha Girls: Understanding the New American Girl and How She is
Changing the World
In his new book, Dan
Kindlon, PhD turns the notion that adolescent females are
"psychologically disadvantaged" on its head. Kinlon's research
actually finds the opposite: today's young females are better
equipped to succeed, athletically gifted and driven, have a stronger
sense of self, and are often academically superior to their male
peers. |
We are sorry but we are unable to do
reviews at this time. Thank you. |
Movie &
Documentary Reviews |
Review: Murderball
Deborah K. Canja, Bridges4Kids, January 10, 2006
“More intense and nerve-racking than anything you’ve ever seen on
Sports Center.” - Details
This gripping documentary chronicles the ongoing rivalry between
Team USA and Team Canada in “murderball” – the original name for
wheelchair rugby. Filmmakers were given a two and a half year
all-access pass to the locker rooms, bedrooms, families and churches
of several of the American athletes as they trained for and competed
in Athens at the 2004 Paralympics. These are unforgettable athletes.
As one filmmaker said, “The guys we got to know get up earlier,
exercise longer, eat healthier, travel more, get hotter girlfriends,
and most of them can kick our a**es.” Many are now training for the
2008 showdown at the Summer Olympics in Beijing. This is a great
movie that will have you on the edge of your seat. Now out on DVD.
Warning: Contains graphic language and some frank sex scenes.
Videos, Software & CDs Reviews
Kids on Wheels - a dynamic new magazine designed to “empower young
wheelers” by building the self-esteem of children who use wheelchairs.
"It’s about time. I loved this magazine just as I loved the
documentary “Murderball” because it shows powerful visual images of
people in wheelchairs leading active, fun lives. Each subscription
includes a Kid’s Edition (to teach and entertain) and a Parent’s
Edition (to inform and support) and each issue is packed with useful
information. The 2006 Spring Issue features stories on service dogs,
hyperbaric oxygen therapy for cerebral palsy, summer camp, building
the perfect IEP, kids with osteogenesis imperfecta, the 2006 National
Junior Disability Championships, interviews with regular “wheelers”
and the coolest ads ever. My favorite? The one that shows a young girl
in the midst of 3 other kids racing her chair out of the schoolhouse
door and it says,” Even at my age I know what’s important in life.
It’s not how many toys I have or how often I get to watch TV. What’s
important is how many boys I beat to the playground!” Kids on Wheels
is published quarterly by No Limits Communications Inc. A special
introductory annual subscription is only $9.95. To order with a credit
card call toll-free: 888 -850-0344 ext. 209 or order online at,
or send check or money order to Kids on Wheels, P.O. Box 220, Horsham,
PA 19044." Review by Deb Canja, August 4, 2006.
The Hidden Gifts of the Introverted Child: Helping Your Child Thrive
in an Extroverted World - How can parents help their
introverted children discover and cultivate these wonderful gifts?
Help is here. Written by Dr. Marti Olsen Laney, author of The
Introvert Advantage, The Hidden Gifts of the Introverted Child fully
explains introversion as a hardwired temperament, not a disability,
and tells just what parents need to do to help their child become the
person he or she is meant to be—and succeed in an extroverted world.
Autism Asperger's Digest Magazine - A publication of Future
Horizons, Inc. featuring original articles and material from sources
around the world. Each issue covers the latest people, products,
research, news & viewpoints emerging in the autism field.
Winners for
Life: A Teenager's Guide to Success Using the Proven Power of
Goal Setting -Winners for Life is a shining star in a
seemingly dark world facing today's teenagers. This 86-page book
sends a powerful message to today's youth: set goals and you
will succeed!
WordWindow (DVD) -
WordWindow is a program designed to encourage infants and toddlers to
discover and take part in early speech. Through the use of vivid
graphics, sounds, human faces, voices and short video clips, your
child will be delighted by this remarkable combination of sights and
eSchoolMaps: Editable
Clipart Maps for Schools - This amazing cd-rom includes a
complete collection of editable state, USA, country, regional and
world maps in a variety of formats on CD-ROM for worksheets, lesson
plans, school and web projects for teaches and students.
Breakthrough Parenting for Children with Special Needs: Raising
the Bar of Expectations - Breakthrough Parenting for
Children with Special Needs challenges families and
professionals to help children with special needs to reach their
full potential by using a proven motivational, how-to approach.
Being in
Control: Natural Solutions for ADHD, Dyslexia, and Test Anxiety
(Book/CD-Rom) - Being In Control is a method of helping ADHD
LD dyslexia and test anxiety naturally. The concept combines
Integrative biofeedback research, all natural nutrition, seated
yoga and relaxation/focusing techniques especially developed for
the student.
Intricate Minds 2:
Understanding Elementary School Classmates with Asperger Syndrome
- Interviews with elementary school students and demonstrations
designed to promote positive interactions between classmates and
reduce harassment, bullying and isolation.
Intricate Minds 3:
Understanding Elementary School Classmates Who Think Differently -
Interviews with elementary school students and demonstrations designed
to promote positive interactions between classmates and reduce
harassment, bullying and isolation.
Kids Coins
Reward System for Children - Kids Coins is a delightful reward
system for children. Designed to teach discipline and structure, Kids
Coins also leaves much needed room - and encouragement - for pretend
play. The beautifully illustrated, finely crafted coins are sure to
delight your child while teaching valuable lessons.
Discrete Trial Trainer (DT Trainer) Software - The Discrete
Trial Trainer (DT Trainer) software is a highly customizable,
independent learning package that is sure to meet and even exceed your
expectations. Based on Discrete Trial methodology within Applied
Behavior Analysis (ABA), your child with Autism, or other
learning/retention disorder, will learn concepts on everything from
counting to money exchange to telling time and from letter recognition
to reading to answering WH questions (ie. who, what, where).
My Turn Your Turn - Award-winning singer-songwriter, Cathy
Bollinger does a phenomenal job all around on her newest CD, My Turn
Your Turn.
Intricate Minds:
Understanding Classmates with Asperger Syndrome
- "As I sat and watched student after student with
Asperger Syndrome (AS) describe their feelings, it dawned on me that
this is something that EVERY student who has a classmate with AS
should see. The kids featured in the video were candid, open and
honest. They really hit home."
Surviving Due
Process: When Parents and the School Board Disagree - Learn how
attorneys for parents and schools prepare for due process hearings.
See exciting direct examination and dramatic cross-examination of
witnesses, objections and arguments between counsel, and rulings by
the hearing officer. Learn about rules that must be followed, mistakes
people make - and why the parents' case was nearly dismissed.
Surviving Due Process: Stephen Jeffers v. School Board is based on an
actual case about a young child with autism. With different evidence
and witnesses, this could easily be a case about a child with a
different disability or a different legal issue.
Asperger Syndrome Dad:
Becoming An Even Better Father To Your Child With AS - "This
program covers ten secrets dads can use to help a child with AS reach
his full potential - and have fun along the way. The program features
Drew Coulter (a young man with AS now in college) and his dad, Dan.
Through interviews, videos and photos, the program uses Drew's
experiences from early childhood through the present to offer
practical advice on being the dad to your son or daughter with AS."
[Coulter Video, $30]
Manners for the Real World:
Basic Social Skills - We produced this video to show students
from upper elementary through high school how to act during some of
the most common interactions between people. It features clear,
straightforward demonstrations of appropriate and inappropriate
behavior -- and we added a dash of fun to keep those adolescent
attention spans engaged.
Syndrome: Transition to College and Work -
Narrated by Drew
Coulter, a student with Asperger's Syndrome.
57-minute VHS video describes how
people with Asperger Syndrome can prepare for college and/or
prepare to enter the workforce.
Asperger Syndrome: Success in the Mainstream Classroom
(VHS) -
Because of the many similarities between
Asperger Syndrome, High Functioning Autism, Pervasive Developmental
Disorder-NOS and Nonverbal Learning Disabilities, many of the
strategies described in this program should also work well in
teaching children who are diagnosed with HFA, PDD-NOS and NLD.
Videos Available from Coulter Video.
Reviews by Jackie Igafo-Te'o |
Safe and Secure: Six
Steps to Creating a Good Life for People with Disabilities - The
authors of Safe and Secure: Six Steps to Creating a Good Life for
People with Disabilities went to great lengths to make sure that
parents are fully informed of the options and many steps involved in
planning for the future of a loved one with disabilities.
Your Health and Wellness Record and Document Organizer - There
is finally an intelligent childhood health journal to help busy
parents feel more confident managing their child's health and
wellness. Your Child's Health & Wellness Record and the companion
Document Organizer were created by a health professional who has three
children who have had various health issues, one with a learning
disability. Input was provided by many physicians, medical
specialists, other health and wellness professionals, and parents,
including those whose children have complex health issues. The result
is a health journal for every child ... from pregnancy on!
Winners for
Life: A Teenager's Guide to Success Using the Proven Power of
Goal Setting -Winners for Life is a shining star in a
seemingly dark world facing today's teenagers. This 86-page book
sends a powerful message to today's youth: set goals and you
will succeed!
Special Needs Trust Administration
Manual: A Guide for Trustees - The Special Needs Trust
Administration Manual is an invaluable guide for anyone who is
managing a Special Needs Trust for a person with disabilities.
Growing Up Too Fast - In her latest book Growing Up Too Fast,
Child Psychologist Dr. Sylvia Rimm guides parents through the secret
lives of today's middle schoolers. Thousands of children were surveyed
in order to produce this compilation of wisdom and first-hand accounts
from "tweeners" on what it is like to be subjected to peer pressure,
sex in the media, bullying, and dozens more fascinating topics.
Understanding Sensory Dysfunction:
Learning, Development and Sensory Dysfunction in Autism Spectrum
Disorders, ADHD, Learning Disabilities and Bipolar Disorder -
Understanding Sensory Dysfunction is a clear and comprehensive
resource to identifying and addressing sensory dysfunction in
children, using a range of practical strategies to help them reach
their full potential at home, at school and in the community.
Planning for the Future: Providing a
Meaningful Life for a Child with a Disability After Your Death
- The completely revised and greatly expanded 5th edition of
Planning for the Future: Providing a Meaningful Life for a Child with
a Disability After Your Death discusses all the steps that parents
should take to assure a secure and happy life for their disabled son
or daughter.
Sillwee Wobbert Picture Books -
The new and impressive ‘Sillwee Wobbert’ series of inspiring
stories about health issues for young readers. With his heart shaped
head, Robert (Sillwee Wobbert) is an universally engaging caricature
that shows kids it’s OK to live, laugh, be silly and have fun with
friends while taking proper care of oneself. He is born with a heart
condition, but that doesn’t stop him from meeting friends, playing and
being silly. His whimsical antics allow him to help his friend Vivian
with a problem and ultimately inspires his new name.
Take Charge! Educational Coaching Kit
- Take Charge! Educational Coaching is a twelve-lesson,
strength-based methodology that provides educational and motivational
strategies and hands-on tools for students who struggle to learn.
I'm Not A Brat & There's A Dragon In My
Wagon - These two books of silly poetry, written by 35-year
teaching veteran, storyteller and author, Arnot McCallum, will
encourage kids of all ages to pick up a book and read.
Love, Jean: Inspiration for Families
Living with Dysfunction of Sensory Integration - Captured
in correspondence written by sensory integration pioneer A. Jean Ayres
to her nephew Philip Erwin, Love, Jean provides hope, insight, and
inspiration to parents of children who have been diagnosed with
dysfunction of sensory integration.
Autism: Heartfelt Thoughts from Mothers
- Autism: Heartfelt Thoughts from Mothers is a beautiful
compilation of personal stories from mothers of children with autism.
The stories contain words of wisdom, details of challenges that each
mother has faced, ways they feel that they have been blessed, and
resources that they found useful during their journey. Readers will
gain insight into the world of Autism, as experienced first-hand by
moms from around the world.
Kids Law: A Practical Guide to Juvenile
Justice - In the book KIDS LAW, Attorney John W. Biggers
combines years of experience and a passion for children to make a once
difficult topic transform into an easy-to-understand, enjoyable read.
Biggers explains everything from the crime to the arrest and from the
trial to incarceration.
Helping Children
With Autism Learn: A Guide to Treatment Approaches for Parents and
by Byrna Siegel
Click here
to read the Bridges4Kids review of this book.
Jackie's Review of the 1-2-3 Magic
Tiny Ears Compilation CD -
Tiny Ears is a unique compilation CD of
educational, developing, entertaining and soothing sounds for infants
and small children.
The Man Who Would be Dad
There's a Boy in Here: Emerging from the
Bonds of Autism
by Judy and Sean Barron
Click here
to read the Bridges4Kids review of this book.
For Pete's Sake!
and A Workbook For Pete's Sake!
by Linda Verville and Melissa Pelletier
here to read the Bridges4Kids review of these two books.
Spanish Resource
for Autism: El Misterio del Transtorno Autista by Ismael
Echevarria of Puerto Rico is an excellent Spanish-language resource
for those seeking information about Autism. Mr. Echevarria is
the parent of a child with Autism who has vast experience in dealing
with this disorder. This book contains information per the DSM
IV, how the family is affected, various articles on how to intervene
with the autistic child and how to make the most of his strengths.
The main goal of this book is to assist in making sure that your child
reaches his full potential. El Misterio del Transtorno Autista
was given high reviews by several professors at major Universities in
Puerto Rico. For more information about this book feel free to
email Ismael at
This book sells for $15.00 + $2.00 s/h. Orders may be submitted
to: Ismael Echevarria, Jardines Del Caribe, 5278 Calle Rombiodal,
Ponce, Puerto Rico 00728-3511
The Autism Experience:
Stories of Hope and Love
In January 2003, Karen Simmons, the CEO of Autism Today invited
people to submit stories, poems and articles for possible publication
in a new anthology "The Autism Experience, Stories of Hope and Love".
Her inbox was soon flooded with hundreds of submissions to be read and
reviewed. Countless hours were spent narrowing down the choices and
finally the cream rose to the top. Autism Today wants to thank all
those who submitted stories and is proud to announce the release of
their very first publication ever. The book is ready to be
shared with every one, including YOU. Don't miss out on reading this
"chicken soupable" anthology on Autism. Book sells for $19.95 at
To order, click here.
Reviews by Tricia & Calvin Luker |
Choose a book
to begin:
I wish I could Fly Like a
Community Success and Plan
Your Day
Free and Appropriate
Public Education (5th Edition)
The Prospector and Goal
Grief Dancers
Build a Happy Family
Music therapy, Sensory Integration and the Autistic Child |
The Man Who
Would Be Dad by
Hogan Hilling |
Bridges4Kids review - This is a nice read for
anyone who ever wondered "What was that guy thinking?" in relation
to your own dad, husband, mate or boyfriend. Hilling says
things in his book that really "need said". At one point I
was shocked at the blatancy of his writing - such a no nonsense
approach! A pleasantly short read, I found it both
enlightening and delightful. I read it while
preparing dinner in one evening. Thanks for opening a
window into the male world. Jackie Igafo-Te'o
For more information about Proud Dads and Hilling's services as a
motivational speaker visit
and click on About Us and What We Do.
Below are some more reviews on Hilling's book:
I enjoyed the sincerity of your stories. It was clear these came
from your heart. I also enjoyed the realness of your stories. Some
were just about simple events that happened to you and your boys.
No glamorous frills to spice up your book. The realistic tone in
the narrative provided all the appeal needed to keep my reading.
Roland M. Vieira from Seattle, WA, Proud Dad
This book is a beautiful reflection of one man's journey into
fatherhood. Through very personal and candid reflections on the
day to day joys and challenges of being a dad, Hogan paints a
portrait of the "dad" side of parenting and the potential for what
it can be. Beautifully and sensitively written. A Proud Parent
from Pasadena, CA United States
Written with great warmth, Hogan's book helped me to appreciate my
role as a father and inspired me to stay active in my child's
life. Proud Dad: Orange County, CA
This book is a quick read and well worth it. It contains many
great moments of what it is to be a father, and the thoughts that
many of us have. I loved the journal writing style that allowed me
to stop and reflect on the different sections. Proud Dad:
Minnetonka, MN USA
The Positive: Looking and Living Beyond Your Child’s Disability”
Hilling’s inspirational stories of life with his disabled son,
Wesley, will motivate you to greater levels of achievement as a
parent. Hilling also provides workshops for dads, Proud Dads Open
Discussion, and moms, What Dads Want Moms To Know, the title of
his next book. For more information, contact Hilling at or (714)
Hogan Hilling is a father of three children, author of The Man Who
Would Be Dad, Capital Books, founder of Proud Dads, Inc., and
instructor of expectant dad classes. He and his wife, Tina, live
with their three boys, Grant, 17, Wesley, 15 (born with a rare
genetic disorder called Angelman Syndrome) and Matthew, 11 in
Irvine, California.
Hilling has appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show, NBC’s The Other
Half with Dick Clark. and ABC “Fathers and Sons” Documentary.
From1998 to 2000 Hilling appeared as a guest columnist on
fathering issues for the Orange County Register. From 1993 to 2002
Hilling appeared in newspapers such as the Orange County Register,
Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Washington Post, Portland
Oregonian, and Christian Science Monitor. Featured speaker at the
2002 Lamaze International and Northwest Area Childbirth Educators
Forum Conferences. 1995 Received California Courage to Care Award
from Governor Pete Wilson. 1994 to 2000 Hilling served as an
instructor for a monthly expectant fathers program at Irvine
Medical Center in Irvine, California. 1992, Co-founded the Fathers
Network of Orange County, a program for fathers of children with
special needs.
Hilling was a stay-at-home dad for twelve years and has experience
in working with working dads, stay-at-home dads, divorced dads,
single dads, step-dads, teenage dads and dads of children with
special needs. |
Book Reviews by Kim
Murphy |
"Teaching Communication Skills to Students With Severe
Disabilities", also by Dr. Downing at:
"Autism: Facts and Strategies for Parents" - This book gives a
good description of Autism and provides plenty of strategies for
parents to use when coping with this condition.
"It's My Meeting: A Family/Consumer Pocket Guide to Participating
in Person-Centered Planning" - This affordable, user-friendly
guide addresses the focus person directly and provides the steps
involved in person-centered approaches so that everyone can feel
better prepared to participate in these meetings. Helpful for
transition, rehabilitation, education, career and other planning.
20 pages.
Other Reviews Recommended by
Kim Murphy: -
Upon receiving Tara's diagnosis I have become an avid
reader. We had the names of a ton of books tossed at us by
various sources with no real descriptions of the contents. Also
no such information was available at the time on the WWW so I
decided to initiate this page for just that purpose. I figured
that if I wanted the information then others would too. Recently
John Wobus has added a
Bibliography Page to his
Autism Resources.
What follows is a list of books that I've read, most recent on
top to aid frequent visitors, linked to my review of it.
Reviews |
Food Review: Gak's Snacks Allergy-free Treats
Jackie D. Igafo-Te'o, Bridges4Kids,
January 24, 2006
"Our mission is to make it easier for children and
families with food allergies to enjoy baked goods like everyone else."
These amazing treats are sure to delight everyone in your household.
The entire facility, along with all products, are absolutely 100% free
of peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, wheat and dairy. When I first heard this,
I honestly thought to myself "how good can they really be
without containing several of the key baking ingredients that we all
know and use so freely?" So, to find out, I did the ultimate taste
test in my home. I gave two kinds of Gak's Snacks cookies to my
husband and kids. The cookies were a huge hit. They wanted more! At
that point, I had to try them. The cookies were absolutely bursting
with flavor and freshness. Then came the true test...the apple coffee
cake. I took this item to a family gathering during the holidays. My
nephew Jared, who is severely allergic to eggs and dairy, was among
those around the table at dessert time. He soon asked "Are there eggs
or dairy in this cake, Aunt Jackie?" I had gotten so used to answering
"Yes, Jared. Sorry but you can't have this." Not this
time! I was thrilled to say "Nope! I checked the label and
you can eat some, if you want to." He dug in...he raved...other family
members soon followed. Thanks to Gak's Snacks, we were all able to eat
the same dessert together. There was no separate dessert for Jared.
You can learn more about Gak's Snacks or purchase some for your family
Book Review: 'The Dance of Defiance'
- The headline above describes a movement of steps. As one dance
partner moves, the other responds. The dance can be a fluid pattern of steps to
beautiful music or a frustrating trial of errors. It depends on how the partners
respond to one another. This headline is also the title of a newly published
book by former Grosse Pointe Farms resident Nancy A. Hagener. The Dance of
Defiance: A Mother and Son Journey with Oppositional Defiant Disorder takes
readers on a journey as Hagener searches for answers to her son’s defiant
behavior. Filled with heartwarming stories, honest insights, and enlightening
discoveries, The Dance of Defiance is a story of hope.
Evidence of Harm -
Mercury in Vaccines and the Autism Epidemic: A Medical Controversy
- David Kirby explores the heated controversy over whether Thimerosal,
a vaccine preservative made with 49.6 percent mercury, has contributed to the
current epidemic of autism.
Kids with ADD/ADHD: Real Tools for Real Life - "This is an
amazingly insightful manual on how to raise your child with ADHD. Dr.
Al Winebarger touches on every aspect of helping your child in school
and at home."
Learning After School: A Step-By-Step Guide to Providing an Academic
Safety Net and Promoting Student Initiative -
Asked why after-school programs were
so important, former Education Secretary Richard W. Riley replied
“children’s minds don’t close down at 3 PM and neither should their
schools.” Now, a new book, Learning After School, offers a
step-by-step guide for schools to maximize student learning by
harnessing after-school time.
My Secret Bully -
"A touching, inspirational story
targeted for 5- to 11-year-olds, My Secret Bully instantly draws young
readers into Monica's world where she is bullied by a friend and
learns how to cope, survive, and thrive. Relational aggression is an
act of emotional bullying hidden among tightly knit networks of
friends. Instead of using knives and fists to bully others, emotional
bullies employ relationships, words, and gestures as their weapons of
attack. Emotional bullying is often dismissed as a normal rite of
passage, but research shows it is as harmful as physical aggression,
with devastating, long-term effects." Visit for
more information about the book, the author, and relational
Bridges4Kids Book Review:
The Monstrously
Fun Fraction Book
Fractions aren't just fun—they're
MONSTROUSLY fun! With over 300 pages of engaging worksheets and
hands-on activities, this new supplemental resource will help turn all
your students into math enthusiasts!
On Review:
Eurps & Eurpsville -
The EURPS are warm and whimsical alphabet letters with eyes, feet,
personalities and phonics-based names. The characters appear in entertaining and
educational children’s storybooks where together with Bipple,
a human boy, they take children on magical educational adventures.
Bridges4Kids/Early On Review:
Tiny Ears Compilation CD -
Tiny Ears is a unique compilation CD of
educational, developing, entertaining and soothing sounds for infants
and small children.
Quirky Kids:
Will My Child Ever Be "Normal"?
Boston pediatricians Perri Klass and Eileen Costello couldn't find
a comprehensive book to give parents who feared their children had
begun to veer off on a tangent, away from the "normal" developmental
curve, so they wrote one: Quirky Kids: Understanding Your Child Who
Doesn't Fit In.
The Autism Experience: Stories of Hope and Love
Allowed to be Odd
The hero of a best-selling new novel is a 15-year-old boy with
autism—but that label never appears in the book. Christopher
John Francis Boone, the 15-year-old narrator of the new novel “The
Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time,” knows lots of stuff,
including the capitals of all the countries in the world and every
prime number up to 7,057.
The Essential
Conversation: What Parents and Teachers Can Learn From Each Other
Few occasions make teachers and parents more apprehensive than the fall
conference, during which they warily eye one another, wondering what possible
schemes are being hatched. Read the review of this book and a
Q and A with the author from the September edition of
Teacher Magazine.
Book Review: "Who Took My
Shoe" -
Bringing abstract
ideas into focus: Mom writes book to help autistic son relate to his