I have just discovered that my child's Title I funded school
has not complied with the parent involvement requirement since 1996.
The principal wrote and disseminated a home/school compact on her own
without ever holding a parent meeting or even consulting the PTO
organization. Parent involvement in this school is virtually
non-existent and clearly, the administration prefers it that way. What
recourse do concerned parents have?
ANSWER: There are a number of
programs that are funded by the federal government and commonly
referenced to as “Title I” programs. That includes Title I – Part A
though Part I. All target different segments of the student population
that Congress has determined needs additional support due to poverty,
poor schools, or other qualifying criteria. The federal Office of
Student Achievement and School Accountability (SASA) in the federal
Department of Education is responsible for the administration of the
majority of Title I funds.
The statute and regulations relating to the requirements the state
(and through them the local school) must meet to qualify to receive
Title I funds include, among other requirements, the following:
(1) IN GENERAL- A local educational agency may receive funds under
this part only if such agency implements programs, activities, and
procedures for the involvement of parents in programs assisted under
this part consistent with this section. Such programs, activities, and
procedures shall be planned and implemented with meaningful
consultation with parents of participating children.
(2) WRITTEN POLICY- Each local educational agency that receives funds
under this part shall develop jointly with, agree on with, and
distribute to, parents of participating children a written parent
involvement policy. The policy shall be incorporated into the local
educational agency's plan developed under section 1112, establish the
agency's expectations for parent involvement, and describe how the
agency will —
(A) involve parents in the joint development of the plan under section
1112, and the process of school review and improvement under section
(B) provide the coordination, technical assistance, and other support
necessary to assist participating schools in planning and implementing
effective parent involvement activities to improve student academic
achievement and school performance;
(C) build the schools' and parents' capacity for strong parental
involvement as described in subsection (e);
(D) coordinate and integrate parental involvement strategies under
this part with parental involvement strategies under other programs,
such as the Head Start program, Reading First program, Early Reading
First program, Even Start program, Parents as Teachers program, and
Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youngsters, and State-run
preschool programs;
(E) conduct, with the involvement of parents, an annual evaluation of
the content and effectiveness of the parental involvement policy in
improving the academic quality of the schools served under this part,
including identifying barriers to greater participation by parents in
activities authorized by this section (with particular attention to
parents who are economically disadvantaged, are disabled, have limited
English proficiency, have limited literacy, or are of any racial or
ethnic minority background), and use the findings of such evaluation
to design strategies for more effective parental involvement, and to
revise, if necessary, the parental involvement policies described in
this section; and
(F) involve parents in the activities of the schools served under this
Note: Other following sections omitted.
Therefore, when parents have issues regarding a claimed failure of a
school district to implement the Act’s requirements for parental
participation, they have a number of choices. According to Section
1118(A) (2)(E) [above], there is a requirement for the local district
to annually solicit parent input. When I served on the Board of
Education of a large school district in SE Michigan, we held such a
public hearing annually. At that time, we received the program and
heard parent and staff comments regarding the program, along with
discussing any changes the administration recommended.
Another alternative is to file a written compliant with the
appropriate federal or staff person who is responsible for requiring
compliance with the Act. This is similar to the administrative
complaint process a parent of a special education child can elect to
use regarding the implementation of an IEP. On the federal level, in
the SASA office the last information I have indicates that the person
responsible for what is called “technical assistance” is David Jackson
- Technical Asst. Monitoring/GPRA who can be reached at
On the state level it was Renée DeMars-Johnson,
the Coordinator of Early Childhood & Parenting Programs (517) 373-8483
or via e-mail at
I would suggest any complaint be in writing and sent via a method
where a receipt is generated.
John F. Brower, JD
Education Law Center, PLLC