Question: My
grandson is 5 years old and has autism. The 3 year MET is now
due and the school says that he does not have all 4
characteristics to be labeled as autistically impaired.
Therefore, the school wants to remove his label. His mother and
I strongly disagree and we want his label to remain. Can the
school remove his label without my daughter's signature? She had
to sign 3 years ago to have him labeled in the first place.
Your question can be
addressed in a number of ways, depending on the details of your
grandson’s situation.
1. If you believe that the school’s evaluation is wrong and that
your grandson does meet all of the criteria laid out in the
Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education with respect
to defining autism, then you can request an Independent
Evaluation in hopes that an expert opinion on your side will
change the MET’s decision with respect to eligibility category.
2. If the MET is seeking to change your grandson’s label, but
not make him ineligible for special education services – that
is, to make him eligible under a different label such as
“learning disabled”, “speech and language impaired”, or
“emotionally impaired”, you may decide it is not important to
fight over the label. Instead, as long as your grandson is
eligible for special education services under some label, the
IEPC should then design a program to meet his needs. It could
involve the services of an “AI consultant” or placement in an AI
(autistically impaired) program, whether or not your grandson
has an AI label. It could also involve services, supports, and
programs that do not carry the word “autism” but do address his
On the other hand, you may decide that the label itself is
important and therefore proceed under #1. In theory, the label
should never be important. Once a student is deemed eligible to
have an IEP, all decisions should be based on individual needs.
However, in practice many parents find that schools tend to
determine types and levels of service by label instead of by
individual needs – thus it can be worthwhile to fight over
labels even though the laws and rules say otherwise.
3. If the MET is seeking to conclude that your grandson does not
have a disability severe enough to make him eligible for special
education services at all, your first recourse again is probably
an Independent Educational Evaluation. In this case, as in the
first case, if the independent evaluator agrees with your
grandson’s family that there is a disability under the special
education rules but the MET does not accept that opinion, you
then have a choice of accepting the MET decision, beginning due
process (legal) proceedings, or requesting mediation.
4. There is a provision for meeting the needs of students with
disabilities whose disabilities do not fit the criteria of the
special education rules. This is usually referred to as “Section
504” and depends on civil rights provisions under federal law.
The school must write a “504 plan” that lays out a scheme for
meeting the student’s needs. If your grandson has autism or
another significant disability, a 504 plan will probably be
insufficient and you should pursue one of the routes listed
above. However, if his needs are not all that great, it may be
that a 504 plan may be sufficient.
It is critical to understand that a medical diagnosis is not the
determining factor in educational decision-making. Instead, the
MET should look at the child’s ability to succeed within the
general education curriculum. If the disability creates
significant barriers to accessing the general education
curriculum (including all aspects of school life), then special
education supports, services, and/or programs are warranted. If
the disability does not create any barriers, or if those
barriers are inconsequential, then there is no determination of
special education eligibility. Thus, the opinions of
psychiatrists, psychologists, and other medical professionals
are useful information for MET determinations, they are not the
whole story. It is very important that if you get an independent
evaluation, the evaluator be able to write a report on his or
her findings that connects to education, rather than being
purely medical.
Lynne Tamor