General links Visit Bridges4Kids How to volunteer to help a child - click here.
Statewide Resources -
National Centers
for Independent Living - Map of U.S. leads to a listing of Centers for
Independent Living by state.
Job Opportunities -
click here.
Find K-12 Info -
click here.
Introduction to The Children with Special Needs Fund -
click here.

Click on the logo to learn about
Michigan's R.E.A.D.Y. (Read, Educate, and Develop Youth) Program.
The Early Hearing Detection and
Intervention program EHDI has assessment sites all over the state of
Click here (PDF) to find your local site.
Crisis Prevention Institute
- click here.
Reading & Literacy Help for Children - click here.
Find the Family Literacy Program in
your County -
click here.
Find more Michigan information -
Homework Help & Resources -
click here.
Reading & Literacy Help for Adults - click here.
Find your local WIC office for information on nutrition and health support for women, infants, and children - click here.
Local Public Health
Department Locator
Office of Special Education & Early Intervention Services (OSE-EIS)
Advocacy Organizations for Children with Disabilities - click here.
Find a support group to meet your specific needs - click here.
For the substance abuse
treatment facility nearest you,
click here.
For the mental health treatment center nearest you, click here.
Covering Kids
& Families works to reduce the number of uninsured children and adults
who are eligible for public health care coverage programs but not
enrolled. To find low-cost and free health care for children call
Are You Eligible?
State Benefit Programs
Federal Benefit Programs
Parents as Teachers
(PAT) is an international early childhood parent education and family
support program serving families throughout pregnancy until their child
enters kindergarten.
Find a mentor for
a child:
Mental Health
Great Start
For more information about Project
Great Start, contact your Intermediate School District (ISD). See the
listings below for your local ISD or 888 Be A Hero contact or visit http://www.migreatparents.org for more resources.
Local Early On Coordinator
Early On is a program for children birth to age 3 who have a disability or developmental delay, or a health condition that might lead to a developmental delay.
Local ISD, RESD, or RESA
Intermediate School District (ISD),
Regional Educational Service District (RESD) or Regional Educational
Service Agency (RESA) - What is an ISD?
Local Project Find Coordinator
Project Find is the "child find"
program of Michigan's special education system and helps children with
disabilities from birth to age 26 get the services and help they need.
Click here
to learn more.
your local Head Start
Head Start
- Head Start is a national program which provides comprehensive
developmental services for America's low-income, pre-school children (ages
three to five) and social services for their families. Specific services
for children focus on education, socio-emotional development, physical and
mental health, and nutrition.
Childcare in Your Community
Association For Child Development:
Michigan Association for Child Care Providers:
Michigan Community Coordinated Child Care Network (4C):
Local United Way Programs -
click here.
United Way funds programs and agencies that support
families, children and communities. Find help available in your community
through United Way.
Things to do and places to see with a child
League of Plymouth "because every child deserves a chance to play
Chance to Dance is a dance/exercise program designed for children and
adults with physical and/or developmental disabilities.
Gymboree of Downriver
classes of comprehensive early childhood development and learning for
children from birth through four years of age.
19090 Fort Street, at Sibley Road
Riverview, MI 48192
Phone: 734-479-0510
Email: jwstrain@sbcglobal.net
Events from the Jewish Community Center of Metro Detroit:
Choose from Martial Arts, Swimming, Gymnastics, Art, and more!
http://jccdet.org/specialtyprograms/specialneeds.shtml for this
season's schedule.
With notice, the
Center is able to provide individual "inclusion counselors" for
children with special needs to enable their successful participation
in recreational classes and camps. A caregiver or support person
may accompany child or adult members with special needs when using the
center's facilities independent of structured classes or programs.
For additional information, please call Nancy Furgang, Special Needs
Director at 248-432-5585.
Michigan Creative After-School
Experiences (MiCASE) -
a listing by community of arts agencies, museums, zoos, science
centers, orchestras, libraries, nature centers and theaters that offer
after-school programming for kids.
Things to do and
places to see in Michigan: Choose your location to search for attractions,
events and more - click
Places to visit with kids in Michigan -
click here.
Michigan Zoos and Planetariums by city with links -
click here.
Find cultural events
put on by Michigan humanities and arts organizations,
click here.
County In The News
Click here for more news related to Detroit/Wayne. Also,
the Bridges4Kids Breaking News Section.
Audits of Privatized Program Show Overpayments, Conflicts of Interest -
Five years after Wayne County became the first in Michigan to hire private
companies to care for delinquent youths, its juvenile justice system is awash in
accusations of financial mismanagement, cronyism and fraud.
Detroit Schools to Lose 4,000 Jobs to Red Ink - $198-million
deficit is looming over district.
The Mental
Illness Needs Discussion Sessions (MINDS) organization is an awareness
program that aims at educating young people about mental illness. To
achieve this goal, MINDS conducts free seminars in high schools throughout
the Detroit metropolitan area. The MINDS curriculum includes a hands-on
look at a model brain, discussion of the symptoms of mental illnesses, and
interactive activities that allow students to participate actively during
the seminars.
Resources specific to this county
The Arc Downriver New Generations
Phone: (734) 283-0710
Email: arcriver@sbcglobal.net
Kids At The Club - play therapy
for children with special needs in Grosse Pointe and Harper Woods. To
register, call the Neighborhood Club, 313-885-4600, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Arab Community
Center for Economic & Social Services (ACCESS)
Detroit-Wayne County Community Mental Health
Phone: (313) 833-2500
Hotline: (313) 224-4357 (24-hour emergency)
Web: www.waynecounty.com/
Even Start - Even Start programs help parents improve their reading
skills and learn to help their children read and succeed in school.
Calendar of events at the Detroit Public Library - includes events
taking place at the main building along with special activities taking
place at the Children's Library.
Michigan Disability Resources Database (MDRD) - Find local information on disabilities, education, support groups, organizations, transportation, emergency services, etc., by zip code, address, disability, service, or county.
Michigan Assistance and Referral Service (MARS) - This system allows you to find programs offered by the State of Michigan that help families in need with their medical, nutritional, food, day care or other expenses. |