School Climate - Bullying - Character Education - School Violence |
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A form of aggression that involves one or more students who
verbally, physically or psychologically harass another student
repeatedly over time. The attacks are directed at someone perceived as
being weaker, more submissive or younger.
taunts, name-calling and put-downs, threats
and intimidation, extortion or stealing
money or possessions, and exclusion from a
peer group.
Promote adult awareness and involvement with bullies and victims.
Provide appropriate supervision during recess and lunch hour.
Require consistent and immediate consequences for aggressive
behavior. Give generous praise for positive
and helpful behavior. Set specific class
rules against bullying.
Source: Wake County Public School System |
Articles related to School
Climate and Bullying |
Information on Bullying and
Bullying Victims |
Who are the victims
of bullying?
"Victims tend to
be loners who tend to cry easily, lack self-defense skills, aren't
able to use humor in conflict situations or who don't think quickly on
their feet. Children who have few friends are always easy prey for
bullies. It's easier to pick on a lone child without witnesses.
Children who have special needs are also common victims for
Most victims of
bullying are children with little or no self-esteem or confidence, for
whatever reason.
Perhaps the child:
Has a disability |
Has a stammer |
Is bad at sports |
Is new to the district |
Has a different religion or belief |
Wears different clothes |
Has a different accent |
Has a different nationality or color |
Has an ear that sticks out |
Dynamics of Bully-Victim
A power differential exists between
the bully and the victim. |
Bullies tend to confident,
aggressive, and lack empathy for the victim. |
Bullies come from homes where there
is poor supervision, and modeling of and tolerance for aggressive
behavior. |
Victims tend to be quiet, passive
children with few friends. |
Victims do not respond effectively
to aggressive actions. |
Bullying is often done so that
adults are not aware of it. |
Victims are ashamed, and often
don't tell an adult. |
This is an excerpt from the ASAP: A
School-based Anti-Violence Program.
Websites on Bullying |
Featured Website:
No Disposable
Kids (NDK) -
NDK is a nationally recognized
training program designed to help today's educators create and
maintain a healthy school environment for students and for
staff. Bullying. Racism. Violence. NDK can give you the tools
- and the know-how - to face and overcome hot-button issues
like these on all levels. Teachers, students, staff, even bus
drivers will learn the practical, prevention-oriented
strategies that create safe, productive environments for
learning and working.
Featured Website:
Discipline without
Stress, Punishments or Rewards - How Leaders,
Teachers, and Parents Promote Responsibility. Marvin Marshall details his Raise
Responsibility System - a simple and amazingly effective approach that promotes
responsibility, self-discipline, and learning.
Crisis Prevention
Institute, Inc. - For more than 20 years, the Crisis Prevention
Institute has supported the work of professionals who work with challenging or
potentially violent individuals by providing a relevant, practical behavior
management program. It’s called the Nonviolent Crisis Intervention® training
program and more than 4.5 million professionals have participated in this
program to learn how to resolve conflict at the earliest possible stage.
Character Counts & Character
Education |
Featured Website:
Living Values
Education - When viewed as an ongoing
process, values-based education becomes part of a lifelong learning
experience. Many opportunities can be found to integrate values-based
education into existing curricula. These will vary from place to place
according to cultural needs. It is in the spirit of cooperation that
the Program was founded, recognizing we learn from one another.
For more information
nonprofit, nonpartisan, nonsectarian coalition of schools, communities
and nonprofit organizations working to advance character education by
teaching the Six Pillars of Character: trustworthiness,
respect, responsibility, fairness, caring
and citizenship.
Love & Logic |
Love and Logic Website
Read the article "Expert
says consequence is powerful teacher in life"
Violence & Zero Tolerance |
Zero Tolerance Rules Can Doom Some Good Students -
Walking into central-city schools, through metal detectors and security
officers, feels a little like walking into one of Michigan's 34 state prisons.
Sometimes I think that's what we're preparing kids for. The school-to-prison
pipeline starts with suspensions and expulsions that lead to idleness, falling
back and dropping out. Nearly 80% of prisoners listed truancy as their first
offense, reports the U.S. Department of Justice. |
Cyberbullying |
Cyber Bullying: The Complete Resource Guide - A list of the best
resources on cyberbullying prevention including guidance for victims.